10/13/2014 21:12
In 1974, Chicagoan Chris Lonn bought a 1949 cottage with three friends in Harbert, Michigan, a small summer resort town on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan. Over the years, they converted the...
10/13/2014 19:12
The Ravid family found the unique apartment they were searching for in a 1933 building that had originally housed a large printing factory. More specifically, they found two second-floor apartments —...
[Interior] Time to Step Out of Your Color Comfort Zone?
10/13/2014 06:12
When the time comes to pick paint colors, I (without fail) spend hours and hours deliberating. But no matter how long I spend sifting through paint chips, I pick some form of white, blue or gray, eve...
10/13/2014 05:12
Perhaps your perception of using conifers in containers is limited to a weary topiary spiral juniper gathering cobwebs by the front door, or a young Alberta spruce dressed up in a gaudy foil pot cove...
[Interior] Second-Life Sofas Show First-Rate Style
10/13/2014 04:12
When it comes to the decorative arts, the Victorian era is endlessly interesting. The Victorians themselves have a reputation for being as restrictive as the whalebone corsets many women wore to achi...