04/15/2015 03:12
Designing kids’ bedrooms can be fun. For designers it’s typically the room in which we get to turn the decorating volume up and go a little crazy. At home it’s important to keep in mind practical ele...
5 Steps to a Fun and Practical Kids’ Bedroom
5 Steps to a Fun and Practical Kids’ Bedroom
5 Steps to a Fun and Practical Kids’ Bedroom
5 Steps to a Fun and Practical Kids’ Bedroom
5 Steps to a Fun and Practical Kids’ Bedroom
04/15/2015 01:12
Spring brings out our impulsiveness. After a long, cold, dreary winter, the brightly colored frilly plants that earn their spot on center stage at the garden center flirt with us as we yearn for long...
Great Design Plant:  Taxus x Media ‘Hicksii’
Great Design Plant:  Taxus x Media ‘Hicksii’
Great Design Plant:  Taxus x Media ‘Hicksii’
Great Design Plant:  Taxus x Media ‘Hicksii’
Great Design Plant:  Taxus x Media ‘Hicksii’
04/14/2015 23:12
Contemporary and traditional furnishings mix well in a Tudor mansion crossed with a California Craftsman, the site of the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design, which opens Sunday, April 19 and runs...
Livable Luxury at the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design
Livable Luxury at the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design
Livable Luxury at the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design
Livable Luxury at the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design
Livable Luxury at the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design
04/14/2015 21:12
Diana Lott began the renovation of her older home in 2009 when she decided it was time to do away with its outdated layout and finishes. Thanks to help and encouragement from her parents, Ward and Di...
My Houzz: An Urban Farm and Animal Sanctuary in Austin
My Houzz: An Urban Farm and Animal Sanctuary in Austin
My Houzz: An Urban Farm and Animal Sanctuary in Austin
My Houzz: An Urban Farm and Animal Sanctuary in Austin
My Houzz: An Urban Farm and Animal Sanctuary in Austin
04/14/2015 19:12
Though these homeowners aren’t necessarily the most buttoned-up formal types, they recognized the importance of a formal dining room in their colonial-style home. And so did their designer, Taylor Ja...
Room of the Day: Traditional Dining Room Shaken With a Twist
Room of the Day: Traditional Dining Room Shaken With a Twist
Room of the Day: Traditional Dining Room Shaken With a Twist
Room of the Day: Traditional Dining Room Shaken With a Twist
Room of the Day: Traditional Dining Room Shaken With a Twist