04/19/2015 20:12
Shelley Whiddon-Bartek credits her artist parents for teaching her everything she knows about good design. Her father was a college-level professor of drawing and painting, and her mother taught jewe...
[Interior] Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
04/19/2015 19:12
Summer and sunflowers are a natural pairing. A row of sunflowers marking the end of a summer vegetable garden is a classic look that has the added advantage of attracting butterflies and birds. Sunfl...
[Interior] 10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
04/19/2015 05:12
Screen doors are great for letting breezes in and keeping bugs out — but they can also do so much more. Gain charm and function with screen doors in unique shapes and sizes, from barn-style screen do...
[Interior] Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
04/19/2015 04:12
Aloe vera is often considered for its medicinal qualities, but it is also a beautiful drought-tolerant plant that makes a great garden addition. Spikes of yellow flowers irresistible to hummingbirds ...
[Interior] 11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame
04/19/2015 02:12
Last month it was pub sheds sweeping the Internet, but this week it’s all about “she sheds.” As I watched the lady lairs pop up on my Facebook news feed this week, I thought about all of the great ba...