04/19/2015 20:12
Shelley Whiddon-Bartek credits her artist parents for teaching her everything she knows about good design. Her father was a college-level professor of drawing and painting, and her mother taught jewe...
My Houzz: A Legacy of Art Lives On in a Texas Home
My Houzz: A Legacy of Art Lives On in a Texas Home
My Houzz: A Legacy of Art Lives On in a Texas Home
My Houzz: A Legacy of Art Lives On in a Texas Home
My Houzz: A Legacy of Art Lives On in a Texas Home
04/19/2015 19:12
Summer and sunflowers are a natural pairing. A row of sunflowers marking the end of a summer vegetable garden is a classic look that has the added advantage of attracting butterflies and birds. Sunfl...
Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
Summer Crops: How to Grow Sunflowers
04/19/2015 05:12
Screen doors are great for letting breezes in and keeping bugs out — but they can also do so much more. Gain charm and function with screen doors in unique shapes and sizes, from barn-style screen do...
10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
10 Ways to Work Screen Doors, Inside and Out
04/19/2015 04:12
Aloe vera is often considered for its medicinal qualities, but it is also a beautiful drought-tolerant plant that makes a great garden addition. Spikes of yellow flowers irresistible to hummingbirds ...
Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
Great Design Plant: Aloe Vera
04/19/2015 02:12
Last month it was pub sheds sweeping the Internet, but this week it’s all about “she sheds.” As I watched the lady lairs pop up on my Facebook news feed this week, I thought about all of the great ba...
11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame
11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame
11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame
11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame
11 Nominees for the ‘She Shed’ Hall of Fame