05/07/2015 06:21
This Cotswolds kitchen was a little different from the projects Sam Shaw of Sustainable Kitchens usually designs. “We do lots of oak-fronted, Shaker-style kitchens,” Shaw says. But the owners of this...
05/07/2015 06:20
Whether it be perusing Parisian flea markets, trawling eBay or keeping an eye out for curbside treasures, Lize Smeaton-Fox has long enjoyed the pursuit of adding that next item to her collection, and...
05/07/2015 06:19
The teenage years can be tricky to design for. In the case of this room, the girl who lives here was ready to have it grow up — her room was still baby blue, and she’d had the same bedding since she ...
05/07/2015 06:18
Why stare at an empty expanse of a white wall when you can hang gallery-quality artwork that will always keep you company? Supersize portraits of favorite people, even family members, have the potent...
[Cases] 13 Japanese Maples for Shade
05/07/2015 06:17
Everyone loves Japanese maples (Acer palmatum cvs, USDA zones 5 to 8; find your zone). Their color and structure are unrivaled, while their size makes them accessible to those whose gardens are measu...