02/03/2014 03:23
Let’s face it: Showering often feels like more of an obligation than a pleasure — especially if you exercise and have to take more than one a day. Which might explain the burgeoning popularity o...
How to Add an Outdoor Shower
How to Add an Outdoor Shower
How to Add an Outdoor Shower
How to Add an Outdoor Shower
How to Add an Outdoor Shower
02/03/2014 03:22
It’s remarkable I’ve never had scurvy, because until recently, I rarely ever ate vegetables or fruit. So this year my New Year’s resolution was to eat more produce. Prior to 2014 a half-rotten b...
10 Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Eating
10 Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Eating
10 Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Eating
10 Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Eating
10 Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Eating
02/02/2014 23:24
Imagine walking into someone’s home, opening the junk drawer and seeing not a pile of junk, but neat little compartments holding necessary items. A pantry where the jars and cans are lined up li...
Organizing Secrets: It’s the Little Things
Organizing Secrets: It’s the Little Things
Organizing Secrets: It’s the Little Things
Organizing Secrets: It’s the Little Things
Organizing Secrets: It’s the Little Things
02/02/2014 23:23
Kim Hagstette of Maven Interiors in Portland, Oregon, had designed not one, not two, but three homes for a couple who once lived outside the city. So when it came to designing an urban penthouse...
Houzz Tour: Sweetening the Penthouse Deal
Houzz Tour: Sweetening the Penthouse Deal
Houzz Tour: Sweetening the Penthouse Deal
Houzz Tour: Sweetening the Penthouse Deal
Houzz Tour: Sweetening the Penthouse Deal
02/02/2014 23:22
Why does progressive architecture bubble up in one city and fizzle in another? What factors produce interesting, forward-thinking modern homes? One of-the-moment city from which we can pluck a...
What’s Fueling Austin’s Edgy Modern Architecture?
What’s Fueling Austin’s Edgy Modern Architecture?
What’s Fueling Austin’s Edgy Modern Architecture?
What’s Fueling Austin’s Edgy Modern Architecture?
What’s Fueling Austin’s Edgy Modern Architecture?