06/06/2014 06:56
Pink and Purple Tufted Bench in Traditional Bedroom : Designers' Portfolio The pink, purple and gold of this tufted bench act as the color pallet inspiration for this master bedroom and are repeated...
Pink and Purple Tufted Bench in Traditional Bedroom : Designers' Portfolio
06/06/2014 06:55
Transitional Patio Has Panoramic Desert View : Designers' Portfolio A rocky pool that mimics the surrounding hills turns this transitional California home into a true desert oasis. On the patio, two...
Transitional Patio Has Panoramic Desert View : Designers' Portfolio
06/06/2014 03:06
There comes a time in many homeowners’ lives when a papered wall simply must go. Maybe you’re moving into a new home and can’t stand paisley, or perhaps your child is growing up and no longer wants c...
Is It Time to Take Down That Wallpaper?
Is It Time to Take Down That Wallpaper?
Is It Time to Take Down That Wallpaper?
Is It Time to Take Down That Wallpaper?
Is It Time to Take Down That Wallpaper?
06/06/2014 03:05
Living on the beach is fantastic, but it comes with a landscaping challenge: Erosion can occur rapidly in a beach environment. There are several best practices for maintaining your shoreline and coas...
Erosion Control for Your Seaside Garden
Erosion Control for Your Seaside Garden
Erosion Control for Your Seaside Garden
Erosion Control for Your Seaside Garden
Erosion Control for Your Seaside Garden
06/05/2014 23:11
Chic Loft Bedroom with Chrome Four-Poster Canopy Bed : Designers' Portfolio A sunny master bedroom painted in fresh lavender, chrome four-poster canopy bed and animal print duvet cover give this dow...
Chic Loft Bedroom with Chrome Four-Poster Canopy Bed : Designers' Portfolio