06/20/2014 05:22
If I didn’t know better, I’d think this home’s purpose was to undo all the damage Snooki did to the beautiful Jersey Shore’s reputation. Just five blocks from a beach in the Point Pleasant Beach area...
[Interior] Houzz Products: Summer Color for the Patio
06/20/2014 02:13
Surround yourself with colors that speak to the season while you spend sun-drenched days and star-filled summer evenings outdoors. These picks for the patio are bursting with happy seasonal colors, l...
[Interior] 16 Ways to Get More From Your Small Backyard
06/20/2014 02:12
Big cities have a lot going for them, but spacious backyards aren’t one of them. Designers in high-density places like San Francisco and New York have long dealt with getting homeowners the most bang...
06/19/2014 23:13
Rudyard Kipling’s famous quotation, “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet” never proved to be less true than during the 17th and 18th centuries, when the Orient captivated t...
06/19/2014 23:12
A well-lit beach garden creates a place for relaxing and listening to the ocean waves in the evening. But artificial lighting disrupts coastal animal behavior in perilous ways, and coastal areas ofte...