09/04/2014 22:14
National Grandparents Day is September 7 in the U.S., but anytime is a good time to honor (and just plain keep in touch with) grandparents. Whether it’s your own grandparents you want to connect with...
09/04/2014 22:13
Carol Estrada gets bored easily. The interior designer finds herself completely redoing rooms in her Houston condo about every two years. Estrada has lived in the unit with her husband, Murray Kaiman...
[Interior] Houzz Products: Save a Taste of Summer
09/04/2014 22:12
Besides the sunny days, barbecues and vacations to the shore, juicy fruits, aromatic herbs and garden veggies are some of the best parts of summer. Extend the season by freezing, canning, pickling or...
09/04/2014 03:15
Family rooms are where you go to relax, play or visit with friends. But when you have a contemporary home, it can be challenging to create that level of warmth and comfort. That was the situation fac...
[Interior] Houzz Call: Show Us Your Gen Z Rooms!
09/04/2014 03:14
They can’t remember a time before smartphones, let alone rotary-dial phones. Collectively, Generation Z — those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s — are teens who are possibly more tech savvy and...