10/08/2014 07:12
Strong lines and box-like forms dominate contemporary residential architecture. But in many cases, it takes just one flowing line or ingenious curve to soften or spice up the look of a house’s exteri...
10/08/2014 05:12
Our gardens can be our best teachers. We learn about ourselves and our world from them. Our only prerequisite for this course is our ability to open our senses to the wealth of sights, aromas, textur...
[Interior] Key Measurements for a Heavenly Stairway
10/08/2014 03:12
Some stairways are easier to ascend than others, and there are reasons for that. The parameters of stair design are set by building codes, and there are also recommended configurations based on avera...
10/08/2014 01:12
It’s a funny thing, garden edging. When it looks good and works well, you barely give it a second glance. But when you’re trying to mow the lawn and you’re not sure where the grass ends and the garde...
[Interior] Houzz Products: Get Cozy for Fall
10/07/2014 23:12
Fall is here, and along with the changing leaves and brisk air comes a natural urge to spend more time at home. Whether your ideal fall evening involves curling up by the fire with a good book or inv...