10/31/2014 19:12
Come autumn, the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, and on All Hallow’s Eve, the lowly squash transforms into a thing of eerie beauty: the jack-o’-lantern. A lone candle in a plain orange pum...
[Interior] My Houzz: Living a Simpler Life in Ohio
10/31/2014 07:12
With two sons and a daughter in college, many people might be tempted to trade in the family home for a smaller version. But John and Sherri Bryan loved their longtime home on the bank of a small lak...
[Interior] Making a Home Away From Home
10/31/2014 05:12
If you’ve ever made a big move, whether to a different state or a different country, you are probably familiar with that uprooted feeling that comes along with leaving everything known for something ...
10/31/2014 03:12
“Just have fun with it.” That was the main instruction this bachelor gave interior designer Jennifer Prugh Visosky for the guest bathroom in his ski house. While his tastes tend much more toward trad...
10/31/2014 01:12
The frightening movie scene is familiar to people around the world: After a string of strange and increasingly violent bird attacks, Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) goes to the local school to fetch C...