12/14/2014 02:12
Landscape architects do many things. We design parks, plazas, green roofs, gardens, public art, fountains … and the list goes on. It is a broad and flexible field with professionals working across m...
12/14/2014 00:12
They’re the simple pieces that stand the test of time. Never in or out of fashion, the items in this bunch are classically chic and tasteful, and eternally look good (so you won’t be forking over mon...
[Interior] Simple Pleasures: Decorating Is Fun
12/13/2014 22:12
Just like the title of famed decorator Dorothy Draper’s book, decorating is fun! Or at least, it can be, once you get beyond the practical matters (like covering those windows) and give yourself perm...
12/13/2014 20:12
The art of tricking a bulb into flowering indoors is called forcing, though with the amaryllis bulb, "coaxing" may be a more fitting term. Generally with most bulbs, once you force them to flower in...
12/13/2014 06:22
This week on Houzz, we continued our holiday preparations and looked toward some of the changes we’d like to make in the new year. Whether you’re planning an extensive renovation or a move, looking f...