Home > Cases > Traditional Kids' Rooms Jennifer Duneier : Designer Portfolio

Traditional Kids' Rooms Jennifer Duneier : Designer Portfolio

https://decor-ideas.org 05/08/2013 00:30 Decor Ideas 
Traditional Kids' Rooms  Jennifer Duneier : Designer Portfolio
Traditional Kids' Rooms Jennifer Duneier : Designer Portfolio

The clients' son was three, so we wanted to create a fun, nautical room for him. The boat bed is from Pottery Barn. In order to make the room special, a custom-designed headboard was created using Lee Jofa fabrics that coordinate with the window treatments. Once the boy outgrows the boat bed, a queen size mattress can be attached to the headboard, saving the client the cost of redecorating a novelty room.

URL: Traditional Kids' Rooms Jennifer Duneier : Designer Portfolio https://decor-ideas.org/cases-view-id-505.html
Category:Room Decor
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